Planning Services
Consideration of the natural environment and natural hazards is an important part of land use planning. Kawartha Conservation reviews applications submitted under the Planning Act and provides advice on protecting natural heritage features and ensuring safety from natural hazards.
Conservation Authorities are assigned this responsibility from the Province of Ontario under the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS).
What we do

Kawartha Conservation reviews each application we receive to ensure that environmental features are not harmed by the proposed development. Natural features considered include:
- Wetlands
- Watercourses
- Shorelines
- Fish habitat
- Significant woodlands
- Species at risk habitat
- Areas of natural and scientific interest (ANSI's)
Natural hazards
We review applications with respect to natural hazards to ensure that the proposed development will not cause risk to safety and property. Natural hazards include:
- Flooding
- Erosion
- Steep slopes
- Unstable soils/bedrock
For more about our review of development applications, please see our Plan Review and Regulation Policies.
Plan review fees are charged on a user pay principle to cover the costs of reviewing the application. Please note that the fees for plan review cannot be transferred to any permit fees for the project.
Planning applications
Please contact your local municipality to complete any of the following planning applications:
- Minor Variance
- Consent/Severance
- Zoning By-law Amendment
- Official Plan Amendment
- Site Plan Approval
- Plan of Subdivision or Condominium
Need information about a property?
Submit a property information request about proposed work or property you are interested in. We will provide information about environmental features, natural hazards, building area, permit information and violations.
Do you have questions about Planning? Email us at
Contact Us
Kawartha Conservation
277 Kenrei Road
Lindsay, ON K9V 4R1
Tel: 705.328.2271
Fax: 705.328.2286
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